Periodic payment $
Total cost of loan $
Periodic payment $
Total cost of loan $
Periodic payment $
Total cost of loan $
Periodic payment $
Total cost of loan $
During Fixed Period
After Fixed Period
This calculator shows you how long it will take you to reach a savings target.
Per Annum:
Per Week:
Per Fortnight:
Modern business demands up-to-date, accurate financial information. We can relieve you and your staff of the enormous burden of all your bookkeeping and accounting requirements.
Financial planning involves developing comprehensive, effective strategies to strengthen your financial security and ensure your financial goals can be met.
We have been conducting audit and assurance services for more than 100 years.
Level 1, 26 Canon Street, Timaru, 7910, New Zealand
PO Box 58, Timaru, 7940, New Zealand
Level 1, 61 Mandeville Street, Christchurch 8011, New Zealand
PO Box 9404 Christchurch 8149
A big thank you to Petra Taylor in our accounting team for providing the photos for this website